Présentation application Syllabson – EN


Application Pit&Pit Syllabson

Pedagogical interest
Learning syllables and sounds.

From 7 to 11

On an idea of
Aurélia alias @maitresse_aurel (instagram)

Pitus (

“SyllabSon” is a phonology application allowing both decoding and encoding of sounds, syllables and words.

If its primary goal is to awaken French-speaking children to the study of the sounds of their native language from kindergarten, it also aims to be a different way of introducing our language to non-French-speaking children.

Thanks to the different modes offered, it will be possible for them to discover the alphabet, to encode words heard, to decode syllables or words, all independently, at their own pace.

In some modes, 5 levels of difficulty are available. This way “Syllabson” is adapted to its user choice.

In the “find the sounds of a word” mode, a matching keyboard with the phonemes can be used. The keys of the keyboard, divided into 3 categories, play the sound corresponding to the phoneme.